

Monday, April 9, 2012

Unlocked Emotions

The human desire to open all thoughts and emotions with abandon to at least one love partner is irrefutable but, rarely experienced. Humans have an innate urge to love and be loved however, their fears from childhood of having ‘love abandoned’ on some level, follows like a shadow through life without the courage to face the fears and move into the mysteries of love with a deep trust. To go through life as an emotional cripple holding on to inner fears is to miss life’s real juice and potential.

The mind lives in fear when the heart hasn’t been nurtured fully. The mind locks itself as well as the heart for what it deems as protection from the unknown. The mind protects the heart often to a fault because of experiences that challenged it’s trust. Size, popularity, intellect, outward confidence, etc,. have little to do with the missing key to open the heart to share love with another who is likely conditional. Loving a child is far easier than loving an adult for, the child is entirely dependent on the adult for it’s survival.

To ‘lock another’ from freedom of expression is to be a jailor of every human right to be free. Man has found ways (some of them necessary) to lock the female from all interaction with the outside world. Today with unparalleled freedoms for millions of people, that behavior is reprehensible. People who are free in the outer world but not free inside from their fears are highly risky in love. People who have inner freedom are fully able to express that with another particularly in the rare case with one who is also with ‘unlocked emotions’ and void of fears.

To be totally vulnerable is to challenge the self in being exposed to trusting the others loving acceptance no matter what. That space is rarely ‘unlocked’ for anyone to come into but, is necessary to open for the full expression of love. Real love needs no commitment. Love thats locked up with fears demands commitment for security. Always it remains conditional. With few exceptions, people that meet in a passion are being real but soon the fears show up to lock out those moments of love that knows no boundaries. The love becomes what I call ‘functional love’ with it’s ups and downs, fears and doubts. It’s a choice to unlock the flood gate and receive what comes flowing while throwing away the key to any return to safety. The irony is, it’s the only safe place to be.

Fear only fear, love only love - be on guard when it’s love mixed with fear!